Advantage deeply immersed in Augmented and Virtual Reality
The agency has been busy developing apps and content for augmented and virtual reality. From computer generated environments to motion graphics in 360 (much of it unfortunately top secret) we are able to deliver new worlds for our clients' audience.
The Aesthetic Surgeons: Norman Waterhouse and Duncan Atherton
Eminent Harley Street surgeon and father of actress Suki, Norman Waterhouse has formed a new entity named The Aesthetic Surgeons. Alongside master nasal and cleft palate surgeon Duncan Atherton, their specialisms include reconstructive and cosmetic surgery for the face and body - working from their London based practice. Naming, brand, procedure animations and website by Advantage.
Holiday Hotspots VR
Top agency Freuds has commissioned Advantage to produce a VR puzzle for Compare The Market. Viewed in full 360 as well as in still mini-planet form the illustration includes references to geographical places which the participants must guess in order to win a holiday.
Holiday Hotspots
Contact get in touch
Advantage has redesigned the identity for ad-agency favourite and long established design resource, Contact Creative.
A modern, hand-drawn logotype was created along with a symbolic networking device to assist in conveying the new impetus of digital media and connectivity for its users and clients.
The agency was also responsible for a refresh of its website front-end aesthetic.
Radmat take Advantage
The agency is now working with fast-growing building and roofing company, Radmat, producing a wide range of material including web, digital media, packaging, CG visualisations and location photography & video. The company's innovative products and services provide architects and contractors opportunities to be creative while reducing the cost, time and environmental impact of their projects.
Advantage is also responsible for on-site and aerial photography as well as CG samples of their products.
Going green for LEGO
Advantage was recently commissioned to assist in photographing a number of child and adult models using Chroma Key for green screen processing. The models were asked to pose as if in various activities, rides and situations, requiring careful management, lots of music and even some water! The photography will feature as part of ongoing Legoland promotional material.
The shoot took place at LEGO HQ and required multiple lighting angles to match existing exterior photographs for later post processing and compositing.
Great Global Treasure Hunt on Google Earth
The Telegraph Weekend section ran a feature on Saturday featuring our upcoming book The Great Global Treasure Hunt on Google Earth next Saturday. The book officially launches on September 1st. The book’s designer and illustrator Jon Lucas was featured on the front page along with author Tim Dedopulos.
A feature on pages 2 and 3 included a specially designed puzzle envisaged by Jon with clues from puzzle-master Dedopulos.
The Telegraph will run hints every week for the next few months.
Branding and Website | AvaLaff
3D CG illustration | Walkers Crisps
Branding and Website | Generating Company
3D CG titling | for Tangerine |
Branding and packaging
Branding and website | Nine Yards
Branding and website | Gallerarti
Branding | MissionDC
Branding | Watkins Superyachts
Branding and advertising | Watkins Superyachts
Advertising | Bryan Cave
Poster designs | Richard Fry
Book design | Great Global Treasure Hunt / Google Earth
Book illustration | Great Global Treasure Hunt / Google Earth
Book illustration | Great Global Treasure Hunt / Google Earth
Book illustration | Great Global Treasure Hunt / Google Earth
Photography and book design | 'Spirit of the Street'
Photography and book design | 'Spirit of the Street'
Animation | Radmat intro sequence
CG imaging | Radmat
CG imaging | Radmat
Advertising | Watkins Superyachts
Spidolite brochure | Linde Werdelin watches
Spidolite brochure | Linde Werdelin watches
Photography | Sébastien Foucan
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